
By the People.
For the People.

We are building working-class power both in and outside of City Hall to organize our community around human prosperity, not corporate bottom lines.

Putting Our Community First

Santa Cruz was once deemed "The Leftmost City," celebrated as a "deviant case" from the typical real estate and development interests power that permeates the United States. 30 years on, that vision of Santa Cruz has all but vanished: ever-increasing rents, pervasive housing insecurity, and dwindling community culture have been the consequence of a city council controlled by establishment Democrats–and by proxy–the real estate industry.

Now, more than ever, we need to build socialist organization that is not beholden to Democratic Party donors and capitalist class interests. That means building worker power! Tenant power! Student power! Community power!

While capitalism concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the few, socialists want collective, democratic ownership of our economy and decision-making power in the hands of workers— not private individuals or the state.

Upcoming Events & Actions

This Month
5:00 pm

"Love Boat" mutual aid distribution

Weekly distribution of food, hygiene and first aid supplies to the unhoused community in Santa Cruz. We aim to build networks of social solidarity between the housed and the unhoused to effectively combat anti-homeless politics and meet essential needs. Please contact [email protected] for location information if you would like to join us.
1:00 am

Labor Working Group

Socialists have long held that labor is key in overthrowing capitalism. The Labor Working Group is organizing working people in Santa Cruz to build power on the shop floor. We are currently mapping where DSA Santa Cruz members work, what their working conditions are, and where organizing possibilities exist. Contact [email protected] for meeting location and working group information.
1:30 am

Tenant Organizing Committee

SEIU Local 521, 517 Mission St B, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USAThe Tenant Organizing Committee meets every other Monday through June 2023. Our goal is to support tenants in Santa Cruz County to create our own organizations to fight the power of landlords and the real estate industry. 
For details or to confirm meeting time and location, email: [email protected]
2:30 am

EC meeting

5:00 pm

"Love Boat" mutual aid distribution

Weekly distribution of food, hygiene and first aid supplies to the unhoused community in Santa Cruz. We aim to build networks of social solidarity between the housed and the unhoused to effectively combat anti-homeless politics and meet essential needs. Please contact [email protected] for location information if you would like to join us.

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